Meet The Author: Samantha Bryant

Samantha brings us a story that truly made me shiver reading it. It’s a story that is all too possible, an occurrence that haunts many children and left me crying, thinking of what Jimmy went through. Jimmy looked over his shoulder. A hand pressed against the other side of the glass. He laid his ownContinue reading “Meet The Author: Samantha Bryant”

Meet The Author: Matthew Kresal

I love stories about consequences. Matthew’s story Go is one of those perfect stories for that, pairing history with hell, ghosts with memories and consequences that are well deserved. I gripped my Kindle so hard as I read, wondering what was happening. Just as confused as our main character, Wilburforce, until the revelation hit meContinue reading “Meet The Author: Matthew Kresal”

Meet The Author: Gustavo Bondoni

Gustavo’s story, Topside, had me staring at the wall for an hour after reading it, just thinking about the story. I could feel what the characters went through and the thoughts that passed through my head about my own life, and what my fate may be, were unending. It was truly incredible. He thought heContinue reading “Meet The Author: Gustavo Bondoni”